Classes for kinematic data.
Bayes LOSVD kinematic data |
LOSVDs described by a Gauss Hermite expansion |
LOSVD histograms |
Abstract class for Kinematics |
- class kinematics.BayesLOSVD(**kwargs)¶
Bayes LOSVD kinematic data
([v_systemic])Center the LOSVD histograms on systemtic velocity
Convert 1D to multi-dim columns
Convert multi-dim columns to 1D
Get LOSVD mean/uncertainties
()Identifies population data in the kinematics data file.
(filename)Load a hdf5 file of BAYES-LOSVD output
(binID_blosvd)Map BayesLOSVD binIDs to DYNMAITE binIDs.
(losvd_histograms)Rebin orblib to velocity spacing of observations
([outfile])Special save method for BayesLOSVD data.
([oversampling_factor])Set default LOSVD nbins for orblibs
Sets orbit histogram center to 0
([scale])Set orbit histogram width
get mean and dispersion
trasform orbit library to observed kinematics
([filename, ...])Write
([filename, outfile])Convert BayesLOSVD output to ECSV
- center_v_systemic(v_systemic='flux_weighted')¶
Center the LOSVD histograms on systemtic velocity
Uses velocity spacing of the data divided by oversampling_factor. Also forces nbins to be odd, so that central bin in 0-centered.
- Parameters:
- v_systemicstring or float. If ‘flux_weighted’, then use the flux
weighted mean-velocity of the kinematics. Otherwise, provide a float directly.
- Returns:
- Sets the result to attribute self.hist_bins
- convert_losvd_columns_to_one_multidimensional_column()¶
Convert 1D to multi-dim columns
ECSV files can save 1D columns, but useful to work with multi-dim columns for the LOSVSD. This method converts.
- Returns:
- Re-sets['losvd']['dlosvd']
to multi-dim - columns
- Re-sets
- convert_multidimensional_losvd_columns_to_univariate()¶
Convert multi-dim columns to 1D
ECSV files can save 1D columns, but useful to work with multi-dim columns for the LOSVSD. This method converts.
- Returns:
- Re-sets['losvd']['dlosvd']
to 1D columns - called['losvd_{i}']['dlosvd_{i}']
for - i = 1, …, N_LOSVD_bins
- Re-sets
- get_observed_values_and_uncertainties(weight_solver_settings)¶
Get LOSVD mean/uncertainties
- Parameters:
- weight_solver_settingsdict
- Returns:
- tuple
(observed_values, uncertainties), where: - observed_values array of shape (n_aperture, n_vbins) - uncertainties array of shape (n_aperture, n_vbins)
- has_pops()¶
Identifies population data in the kinematics data file.
If there is population data, it is removed from This method needs to be implemented for all Kinematics subclasses.
- Returns:
- bool
True if population data is found, False otherwise.
- list
List of population data columns
- load_hdf5(filename)¶
Load a hdf5 file of BAYES-LOSVD output
Borrowed from
- Parameters:
- filenamestring
the hdf5 file of BayesLOSVD output
- Returns:
- dict
data read from BayesLOSVD output file
- map_binID_blosvd_to_binID_dynamite(binID_blosvd)¶
Map BayesLOSVD binIDs to DYNMAITE binIDs.
Assumes that the table has colums binID_BayesLOSVD and binID_dynamite which define the mapping. Any binID_blosvd with no corresponding binID_dynamite are given binID_dynamite=0.
- Parameters:
- binID_blosvdarray
array of BayesLOSVD binIDs
- Returns:
- type
corresponding array of DYNMAITE binIDs
- rebin_orblib_to_observations(losvd_histograms)¶
Rebin orblib to velocity spacing of observations
Creates a matrix
, the fraction of the j’th orblib vbin in the i’th data vbin. Multiplies orblib losvd_histograms by f to rebin.- Parameters:
- losvd_histograms
a histogram object of the orblib LOSVD
- losvd_histograms
- Returns:
a orblib LOSVD re-binned to the data velocity spacing
- save_data_table(outfile=None)¶
Special save method for BayesLOSVD data.
Handles conversion from multi-dim –> 1D columns. Should supercede the generic method
- Parameters:
- outfilestring
Name of output file
- set_default_hist_bins(oversampling_factor=10)¶
Set default LOSVD nbins for orblibs
Uses velocity spacing of the data divided by oversampling_factor. Also forces nbins to be odd, so that central bin in 0-centered.
- Parameters:
- oversampling_factorfloat
scale factor to divide the data velocity spacing
- Returns:
- Sets the result to attribute self.hist_bins
- set_default_hist_center()¶
Sets orbit histogram center to 0
- set_default_hist_width(scale=2.0)¶
Set orbit histogram width
Set it to a multiple of data histogram width. Default 2 i.e. double to width of observed data. Sets result to attribute
- Parameters:
- scalefloat
scale factor
- set_mean_v_and_sig_v_per_aperture()¶
get mean and dispersion
- Returns:
- creates columns['v']['sigma']
- creates columns
- transform_orblib_to_observables(losvd_histograms, weight_solver_settings)¶
trasform orbit library to observed kinematics
This is a placeholder method. Specific implementations/subclasses of
should replace this with methods which transform an orbit library LOSVD to that particular type of kinematics.- Parameters:
- losvd_histograms
the LOSVD of an orbit library
- weight_solver_settingsdict
weight solver settings
- losvd_histograms
- Returns:
- object
the orbit library LOSVD transofrmed to observed kinematics
- write_aperture_and_bin_files(filename=None, angle_deg=0.0, center='max_flux', aperture_filename='aperture.dat', bin_filename='bins.dat')¶
files- Parameters:
- filenamestring
filename XXX_results.hdf5 of BAYES-LOSVD output (all bins combined)
- angle_degfloat
Angle in degrees measured counter clockwise from the galaxy major axis to the X-axis of the input data
- centertuple or string
either pair of floats (x0,y0) defining center in pixel co-ordinates or string ‘max_flux’
- aperture_filenamestring
name of aperture file
- bin_filenamestring
name of bins file
- write_losvds_to_ecsv_format(filename=None, outfile='bayes_losvd_kins.ecsv')¶
Convert BayesLOSVD output to ECSV
Reads in the hdf5 BayesLOSVD output file for all spatial bins. Saves the median and 68% Bayesian Credible Interval of the LOSVD in each LOSVD bin, into an astropy ECSV file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestring
BayesLOSVD hdf5 output file for all spatial bins.
- outfilestring
desired name of output ECSV file
- Returns:
- None
- class kinematics.GaussHermite(**kwargs)¶
LOSVDs described by a Gauss Hermite expansion
Using the Capellari et al 2016 convention
Convert old format of GH kinematics to new format
(coeffients, w)Evaluate Hermite polynomials
(v, v_mu, v_sig, h)evaluate LOSVDs
Evaluate LOSVD normalisation
(weight_solver_settings[, ...])Get GH kinematics data consistent with number_GH configuration.
([v_mu, v_sig, ...])Calcuate GH expansion coeffients given an LOSVD
(max_order)Get Hermite poly coeffients
Get max order GH coeeff from data table
Extract mean/sigma from the GH kinematics
()Identifies population data in the kinematics data file.
(filename)Read the old format of GH kinematics
([f_sig])Sets default nbins so they are roughly f_sig*min(sig)
Sets default histogram center to 0.
([n_sig])Sets default histogram width
(v, v_mu, v_sig)Take away v_mu, divide by v_sig
trasform orbit library to observed kinematics
- convert_file_from_old_format(filename_old_format, filename_new_format)¶
Convert old format of GH kinematics to new format
Old format is that used in triaxialschwarzschild AKA schwpy codes
- Parameters:
- filename_old_formatstring
filename of old/shwpy format of GH kinematics file
- filename_new_formatstring
desired filename of new Astropy ECSV format
- Returns:
- None
creates a an astropy ECSV file at filename_new_format
- evaluate_hermite_polynomials(coeffients, w, standardised=True, v_mu=None, v_sig=None)¶
Evaluate Hermite polynomials
- Parameters:
- coeffientsarray (n_herm, n_herm)
coefficients of hermite polynomials as given by method
- warray
if standardised==True then w is array of shape (n_regions, n_vbins) of standardised (AKA whitened) velocities else, w is array of shape (n_vbins,) of physical velocities and arrays v_mu and v_sig with shape (n_regions,) must be set
- standardisedBoolean
whether or not velocities w have been standardised by aperture v/sig
- v_muNone or array shape (n_regions,)
aperture v_mu’s
- v_sigNone or array shape (n_regions,)
aperture v_sigma’s
- Returns:
- array shape (n_herm, n_regions, n_vbins)
array[i,j,:] is the i’th Hermite polynomial evaluated at standardised velocities w in the j’th region
- evaluate_losvd(v, v_mu, v_sig, h)¶
evaluate LOSVDs
Evaluate the quantity
\[\mathrm{LOSVD}(v) = \frac{1}{v_\sigma} \mathcal{N}(w; 0, 1^2) \Sigma_{m=0}^{M} h_m H_m(w)\]where normalised velocity \(w = (v-v_\mu)/v_\sigma\)
- Parameters:
- varray
input velocity array
- v_muarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite v parameters
- v_sigarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite sigma parameters
- harray (n_hists, n_regions, n_herm)
gauss hermite expansion coefficients
- Returns:
- array shape same as v
values of gauss hermite expansion evaluated at v
- evaluate_losvd_normalisation(h)¶
Evaluate LOSVD normalisation
Evaluate the normalising integral
\[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathrm{LOSVD}(v) dv\]which for a GH expansion is given by
\[\Sigma_{m=0}^{M} b_m a_m\]- where
\(a_m\) are the coefficients of w in the polynomial \(\Sigma_{m=0}^{M} h_m H_m(w)\)
- \(b_m\) =
1 if m=0
0 if m is odd
(m-1)!! if m is non-zero and even
and !! is a ‘double factorial’ - which does not mean two factorials but the product integers < n with same even/odd parity as n
- Parameters:
- v_sigarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite sigma parameters
- harray (n_hists, n_regions, n_herm)
gauss hermite expansion coefficients for some number of histograms and regions
- Returns:
- array (n_hists, n_regions)
- get_data(weight_solver_settings, apply_systematic_error=False, cache_data=True)¶
Get GH kinematics data consistent with number_GH configuration.
Returns an astropy table holding the observed Gauss Hermite kinematics with their uncertainties, adapted to the desired number of GH coefficients and optionally including the systematic errors. The number_GH setting from the configuration file determines the number of returned GH coefficients. The data in the returned table is a deep copy of the observed data.
If number_GH (configuration file) greater than max_GH_order (number of gh coefficients in the kinematics file), columns with zeros h<max_GH_order+1> dh<max_GH_order+1> … h<number_GH> dh<number_GH> will be added to the gh kinematics data. If number_GH is less than max_GH_order, the corresponding columns will be removed from the kinematics data.
- Parameters:
- weight_solver_settingsdict
Configuration.settings.weight_solver_settings object. Must include the key number_GH and - if apply_systematic_error is set to True - the key GH_sys_err.
- apply_systematic_errorbool, optional
If set to True, apply the systematic uncertainties to the dv, dsigma, dh3, dh4, … values.
- cache_databool, optional
If set to True, the first call of this method will store the calculated data table in attribute self._data_raw (if apply_systematic_error=False) or self._data_with_sys_err (if apply_systematic_error=True), respectively. Consecutive calls will return the stored data. The default is True.
- Returns:
- gh_dataastropy table
GH kinemtics coefficients
- get_gh_expansion_coefficients(v_mu=None, v_sig=None, vel_hist=None, max_order=4)¶
Calcuate GH expansion coeffients given an LOSVD
Expand LOSVD around a given v_mu and v_sig using eqn 7 of vd Marel & Franx 93, ApJ 407,525
- Parameters:
- v_muarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite v parameters
- v_sigarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite sigma parameters
- vel_histHistogram object
velocity histograms where vel_hist.y has shape (n_orbits, n_vbins, n_regions)
- max_orderint
maximum order hermite polynomial desired in the expansion e.g. max_order = 1 –> use h0, h1 i.e. number of hermite polys = max_order + 1
- Returns:
- harray (n_hists, n_regions, max_order+1)
where h[i,j,k] is order k GH coeffient of histogram i in region j
- get_hermite_polynomial_coeffients(max_order)¶
Get Hermite poly coeffients
Normalised as in eqn 14 of Capellari 16
- Parameters:
- max_orderint
maximum order hermite polynomial desired e.g. max_order = 3 means use h0, h1, h2, h3
- Returns:
- array (max_order+1, max_order+1)
coeffients[i,j] = coef of x^j in polynomial of order i
- get_highest_order_gh_coefficient()¶
Get max order GH coeeff from data table
Checks the data table for columns titled [‘h{i}’] and [‘dh{i}’], and return the largest i such that both exist
- Returns:
- int
the highest order GH present in the data table
- get_observed_values_and_uncertainties(weight_solver_settings)¶
Extract mean/sigma from the GH kinematics
- Parameters:
- weight_solver_settingsdict
Configuration.settings.weight_solver_settings object. Must include the key number_GH.
- Returns:
- tuple
(observed_values, uncertainties), where: - observed_values is array of GH expansion coefficients of shape (n_apertures, number_GH) - uncertainties is array of uncertainties on GH expansion coefficients of shape (n_apertures, number_GH)
- has_pops()¶
Identifies population data in the kinematics data file.
If there is population data, it is removed from This method needs to be implemented for all Kinematics subclasses.
- Returns:
- bool
True if population data is found, False otherwise.
- list
List of population data columns
- read_file_old_format(filename)¶
Read the old format of GH kinematics
Old format is that used in triaxialschwarzschild AKA schwpy codes
- Parameters:
- filenamestring
filename of old format of GH kinematics file
- Returns:
- Astropy table
the GH kinematics data
- set_default_hist_bins(f_sig=0.1)¶
Sets default nbins so they are roughly f_sig*min(sig)
- Parameters:
- f_sigfloat
fraction of minimum sigma to (approximately) set histogram bin width
- set_default_hist_center()¶
Sets default histogram center to 0.
- set_default_hist_width(n_sig=3.0)¶
Sets default histogram width
Set it to
\(2 * \max(|v| + n_\mathrm{sig}*\sigma)\)
i.e. double the largest velcoity present in the observed LOSVD
- Parameters:
- n_sigfloat
number of sigma above mean velocity to extend the velocity histogram
- standardise_velocities(v, v_mu, v_sig)¶
Take away v_mu, divide by v_sig
- Parameters:
- varray
input velocity array
- v_muarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite v parameters
- v_sigarray (n_regions,)
gauss hermite sigma parameters
- Returns:
- array (n_regions,) + v.shape
velocities whitened by array v_mu, v_sigma
- transform_orblib_to_observables(losvd_histograms, weight_solver_settings)¶
trasform orbit library to observed kinematics
This is a placeholder method. Specific implementations/subclasses of
should replace this with methods which transform an orbit library LOSVD to that particular type of kinematics.- Parameters:
- losvd_histograms
the LOSVD of an orbit library
- weight_solver_settingsdict
weight solver settings
- losvd_histograms
- Returns:
- object
the orbit library LOSVD transofrmed to observed kinematics
- class kinematics.Histogram(xedg=None, y=None, normalise=False)¶
LOSVD histograms
- Parameters:
- xedgarray (n_bins+1,)
histogram bin edges
- y(n_orbits, n_bins+1, n_apertures)
histogram values
- normalisebool, default=True
whether to normalise to pdf
- Attributes:
- xarray (n_bins,)
bin centers
- dxarray (n_bins,)
bin widths
- normalisedbool
whether or not has been normalised to pdf
()Get the mean velocity
Get the mean velocity and velocity dispersion from fitted Gaussians
Get the normalsition
Get the velocity dispersions
normalises the LOSVDs
(scale_factor)scale the velocity array
- get_mean()¶
Get the mean velocity
- Returns:
- array shape (n_orbits, n_apertures)
mean velcoity of losvd
- get_mean_sigma_gaussfit()¶
Get the mean velocity and velocity dispersion from fitted Gaussians
- Returns:
- array shape (n_orbits, n_apertures)
mean velocity of losvd
- array shape (n_orbits, n_apertures)
velocity dispersion of losvd
- get_normalisation()¶
Get the normalsition
Sum_i losvd_i * dv_i
- Returns:
- float
the normalisation
- get_sigma()¶
Get the velocity dispersions
- Returns:
- array shape (n_orbits, n_apertures)
velocity dispersion of losvd
- normalise()¶
normalises the LOSVDs
- Returns:
- None
to a normalised version
- scale_x_values(scale_factor)¶
scale the velocity array
scales vel array, and dv
- Parameters:
- scale_factorfloat
- Returns:
- None
to rescaled versions
- class kinematics.Kinematics(type=None, hist_width='default', hist_center='default', hist_bins='default', with_pops=False, **kwargs)¶
Abstract class for Kinematics
Specific implementations (e.g.
) should be implemented as child classesMethods:
(**kwargs)Returns the kinematics data.
Extract mean and uncertainties from the kinematic set
()Identifies population data in the kinematics data file.
trasform orbit library to observed kinematics
(**kwargs)Updates one or more attributes, including consistency check
- get_data(**kwargs)¶
Returns the kinematics data.
This skeleton method returns a deep copy of the attribute and allows for specific implementations by subclasses.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsargument list (optional)
- Returns:
- astropy table
The kinematics data
- get_observed_values_and_uncertainties(weight_solver_settings)¶
Extract mean and uncertainties from the kinematic set
This is a placeholder method. Specific implementations/subclasses of
should replace this with methods which extract the mean and uncertainties of that particular kinematic type.- Parameters:
- weight_solver_settingstype
Description of parameter weight_solver_settings.
- Returns:
- tuple
(observed_values, uncertainties)
- has_pops()¶
Identifies population data in the kinematics data file.
If there is population data, it is removed from This method needs to be implemented for all Kinematics subclasses.
- Returns:
- bool
True if population data is found, False otherwise.
- list
List of population data columns
- transform_orblib_to_observables(losvd_histograms, weight_solver_settings)¶
trasform orbit library to observed kinematics
This is a placeholder method. Specific implementations/subclasses of
should replace this with methods which transform an orbit library LOSVD to that particular type of kinematics.- Parameters:
- losvd_histograms
the LOSVD of an orbit library
- weight_solver_settingsdict
weight solver settings
- losvd_histograms
- Returns:
- object
the orbit library LOSVD transofrmed to observed kinematics
- update(**kwargs)¶
Updates one or more attributes, including consistency check
- Parameters:
- **kwargsattribute=value pairs
- Returns:
- None.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If class attribute does not exist
Inheritance Diagram¶