Weight Solver¶
Classes related to solving for orbital weights. WeightSolver
is a generic parent class, specific implementations are sub-classes of this.
([P, q])Solver for NNLS problem using CVXOPT
(**kwargs)Use legacy AKA Fortran weight solving.
([nnls_solver])Python implementations of NNLS weight solving
(config, directory_with_ml[, CRcut])Generic WeightSolver class
- class weight_solvers.CvxoptNonNegSolver(P=None, q=None)¶
Solver for NNLS problem using CVXOPT
- Solves the QP problem:
argmin (1/2 beta^T P beta + q beta T) subject to (component-wise) beta > 0
- Parameters:
- Parray (p, p)
quadratic part of objective function
- qarray (p,)
linear part of objective function
- Attributes:
- successbool
whether solver was successful
- betaarray (p,)
- class weight_solvers.LegacyWeightSolver(**kwargs)¶
Use legacy AKA Fortran weight solving.
Uses the legcay_fortran program
. Uses Lawson and Hanson non-negative least-squares algorithm.Methods:
Copy kin data to infil/ direc
create fortran input file nn.in
Get weights and chi2 from
Read chi2 values from nn_kinem.out
to astropy table
([orblib, ignore_existing_weights])Main method to solve NNLS problem.
write executable bash script file
- copy_kinematic_data()¶
Copy kin data to infil/ direc
- create_fortran_input_nnls()¶
create fortran input file nn.in
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- None
- get_weights_and_chi2_from_orbmat_file()¶
Get weights and chi2 from
Note: Chi2 values returned differ from read_chi2 method. See that docstring for more.
- Returns:
- tuple
(weights, chi2_all, chi2_gh), where:
weights : array of orbit weights
chi2_all : sum of squared residuals for intrinsic masses, projected_masses and GH coefficients h_1 to h_n
chi2_kin : sum of squared residuals for GH coefficients h_1 to h_n
- read_chi2()¶
Read chi2 values from nn_kinem.out
Taken from old schwpy code, lines 181-212 of schw_domoditer.py
Note: This is a legacy method for reading legacy output and it not used by default. Instead we use
get chi2 values. The chi2 value definitions of this method are NOT the same chi2 values given byself.get_chi2_from_orbmat
. They differ in (i) including intrinsic/projected mass constraints, and (ii) using h1/h2 vs V/sigma, and (iii) if CRcut==True, whether the ‘cut’ orbits - with artificially large h1 - are included (here they aren’t)
- Returns:
- tuple
- (chi2, kinchi2) where:
chi2 = sum of sq. residuals of observed GH coefficients h_1 to h_N
kinchi2 = sum of sq. residuals of V, sigma, and GH coefficients from h_3 to h_N
- read_nnls_orbmat_rhs_and_solution()¶
This contains the matrix and right-hand-side for the NNLS problem, and the solution
- Returns:
- tuple
(orbmat, rhs, solution)
- read_weights()¶
to astropy tablethis contains oribtal weights, orbit type, and other columns
- Returns:
- None
which is an astropy table containing the orbital weights
- solve(orblib=None, ignore_existing_weights=False)¶
Main method to solve NNLS problem.
- Parameters:
- orblibdyn.OrbitLibrary
This parameter is not used in this Legacy implementation (as all orbit library information is read from files). It is included here for consistency with later WeightSolver implementations
- ignore_existing_weightsbool
If True, do not check for already existing weights and solve again. Default is False.
- Returns:
- tuple
- (weights, chi2_all, chi2_kin, chi2_kinmap) where:
weights : array, of orbit weights
chi2_all : float, sum of squared residuals for intrinsic masses, projected_masses and GH coefficients from h_1 to h_n
chi2_kin : float sum of squared residuals for GH coefficients h_1 to h_n
chi2_kinmap : directly calculates the chi2 from the kinematic maps
- write_executable_for_weight_solver()¶
write executable bash script file
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- string
the name of the bash script file to execute
- class weight_solvers.NNLS(nnls_solver=None, **kwargs)¶
Python implementations of NNLS weight solving
Uses either scipy.optimize.nnls or cvxopt as backends. This constructs the NNLS matrix and rhs, solves, and saves the result.
- Parameters:
- nnls_solverstring
(kins, orb_losvd, orb_gh)apply CRcut
(orblib)construct nnls matrix_and rhs
([kins, pops])Get aperture+intrinsic mass constraints from MGE
(orblib[, ignore_existing_weights])Solve for orbit weights
- apply_CR_cut(kins, orb_losvd, orb_gh)¶
apply CRcut
to solve the counter rotating orbit problem. This cuts orbits which have \(|V - V_\mathrm{obs}|> 3\sigma_\mathrm{obs}\). See Zhu+2018 MNRAS 2018 473 3000 for details
- Parameters:
- kinsa
object- orb_losvd
historgram of orblib losvds
- orb_gharray
array of input gh expansion coefficients, before the CRcut
- Returns:
- array
array of input gh expansion coefficients, after the CRcut
- construct_nnls_matrix_and_rhs(orblib)¶
construct nnls matrix_and rhs
- Parameters:
- orblib
an orbit library
- Returns:
- tuple
(orbmat, rhs)
- get_observed_mass_constraints(kins=True, pops=False)¶
Get aperture+intrinsic mass constraints from MGE
- Parameters:
- kinsBool
If True, returns the projected masses of the MGE for the kinematic data apertures.
- popsBool
If True, returns the projected masses of the MGE for the population data apertures. If both kins and pops are True, population data is returned following kinematic data.
- Returns:
- None
sets attributes:
constraint counts
- solve(orblib, ignore_existing_weights=False)¶
Solve for orbit weights
Note: the returned chi2 values are not the same as
- see the docstring for more info
- Parameters:
- orblibdyn.OrbitLibrary
- ignore_existing_weightsbool
If True, do not check for already existing weights and solve again. Default is False.
- Returns:
- tuple
- (weights, chi2_all, chi2_kin, chi2_kinmap) where:
weights : array, of orbit weights
chi2_all : float, sum of squared residuals for intrinsic masses, projected_masses and GH coefficients from h_1 to h_n
chi2_kin : float sum of squared residuals for GH coefficients h_1 to h_n
chi2_kinmap : directly calculates the chi2 from the kinematic maps
- class weight_solvers.WeightSolver(config, directory_with_ml, CRcut=False)¶
Generic WeightSolver class
Specific implementations are defined as sub-classes. Each one should have a main method solve
- Parameters:
- configa
object- directory_with_mlstring
model directory with the ml extension
- CRcutBool, default False
whether to use the CRcut solution for the counter-rotating orbit problem. See Zhu et al. 2018 for more. If CRcut is given in the configuration file’s weight solver settings (which is normally the case), this parameter is ignored.
(weights)Returns the chi2 directly calculated from the gh kinematic maps.
(orblib[, ignore_existing_weights])Template solve method
Check whether the file(s) holding the current model's weights exist.
- chi2_kinmap(weights)¶
Returns the chi2 directly calculated from the gh kinematic maps.
For each kinematic set, the following applies: If number_GH in the weight_solver_settings is smaller than the number of GH coefficients in the data file, only number_GH coefficients will be considered. If number_GH is greater than the number of GH coefficients in the data file, only the coefficients in the data file will be considered.
Does only work with Gauss Hermite kinematics.
- Parameters:
- weights
likeThe model’s orbital weights.
- Returns:
- chi2_kinmapfloat
chi2 directly calculated from the kinematic maps: sum of squared residuals of V, sigma, and GH coefficients from h_3 to h_N
- solve(orblib, ignore_existing_weights=False)¶
Template solve method
Specific implementations should override this.
- Parameters:
- orblibdyn.OrbitLibrary object
- ignore_existing_weightsbool
If True, do not check for already existing weights and solve again. Default is False.
- Returns:
- weightsarray
orbit weights
- chi2_allfloat
a total chi2 value
- chi2_kinfloat
a chi2 value purely for kinematics
- chi2_kinmapfloat
directly calculates the chi2 from the kinematic maps
- weight_file_exists()¶
Check whether the file(s) holding the current model’s weights exist.
May be re-implemented by sub-classes.
- Returns:
- bool
True if weight solving data exists, False otherwise.