Classes related to orbit libraries.
([config, mod_dir, parset])Orbit libraries calculated from legacy Fortan programs
([config])An abstract class for orbit libraries.
- class orblib.LegacyOrbitLibrary(config=None, mod_dir=None, parset=None)¶
Orbit libraries calculated from legacy Fortan programs
Find threshold angular momentum
for use in orbit classification
([make_diagnostic_plots, dL, ...])Perform orbit classification.
(orblib1, orblib2)Combine two LOSVD histograms into one.
write input files for Fortran orbit library programs
equiv of duplicate_flip_and_interlace_orblib for intrinsic moments
flip the tube orbits
Get a function to constrcut the model's intrinsic moments in 3D grid
Execute the bash script to calculate orbit ICs
Execute the bash script to calculate orbit libraries
Execute the bash script to calculate orbit libraries in parallel
main method to calculate orbit libraries
([kins, pops])Read the orbit library
(fileroot[, ...])Read orbit library from file datfil/{fileroot}.dat.bz2'
([cache])Read the intrinsic moments of the orbit library.
Read the
(file, ncol, nrow)Base method to read in
filesWrite the bash script to calculate orbit ICs
Write the bash script to calculate orbit libraries
Write the bash script to calculate orbit libraries
- classification_diagnostic_plot(dl=1e+17)¶
Find threshold angular momentum
for use in orbit classification
- Parameters:
- dlfloat, threshold angular momentum, default = 1e17
- Returns:
- dlfloat
The threshold angular momentum
- classify_orbits(make_diagnostic_plots=False, dL=1e+17, force_lambda_z=False)¶
Perform orbit classification.
Orbits are classified in 3D angular momentum space
(Lx, Ly, Lz)
according to a threshold angular momdentumdL
. Ideally, we would classify as follows:
–> box
–> x-axis tube
–> y-axis tube (theoretically unstable)
–> z-axis tubebut this “exact” classification leaves many orbits unclassified. Instead we classify tube orbits using the less strict criteria:
–> boxnot a box &
–> x-axis tube “-ish”not a box &
–> y-axis tube “-ish”not a box &
–> z-axis tube “-ish”The method logs the fraction of all orbits in each classification, and the fraction of each type which are “exact” according to the stricter criteria. The results saved in
are for the less strict criteria.
- Parameters:
- make_diagnostic_plotsbool, optional
whether to make diagnostic plot in
, by defaultFalse
.- dLfloat, threshold angular momentum, default = 1e17
- Returns:
- None
sets result to
, a dictionary containing 5 keysbool_{box,xtish,ytish,ztish,other}
where e.g.bool_box
is a boolean array with shape[N_bundles, N_orbits]
set toTrue
at the location of box orbits.bool_other
should beFalse
- combine_orblibs(orblib1, orblib2)¶
Combine two LOSVD histograms into one.
- Parameters:
- orblib1
- orblib2
- Returns:
the combined orbit libraries
- create_fortran_input_orblib(path)¶
write input files for Fortran orbit library programs
- Parameters:
- pathstring
path of the model’s
directory- Returns:
- Cretaes the following files in the
- duplicate_flip_and_interlace_intmoms(intmom)¶
equiv of duplicate_flip_and_interlace_orblib for intrinsic moments
- duplicate_flip_and_interlace_orblib(orblib)¶
flip the tube orbits
Take an orbit library, create a duplicate library with the velocity signs flipped, then interlace the two i.e. so that resulting library alternates between flipped/unflipped. This creates an orbit library consistent with the Fortran output, enforcing the ordering created by the for loops in lines 157-178 of triaxnnls_CRcut.f90
- Parameters:
- orblib
- Returns:
the duplicated, flipped and interlaced orblib
- get_model_intrinsic_moment_constructor()¶
Get a function to constrcut the model’s intrinsic moments in 3D grid
Returns a function and a list. The function takes weights and returns intrinsic model moments in a 3D grid. The list contains the bin edges of the 3D grid. Example usage:
` moment_constructor, bin_edges = orblib.get_model_intrinsic_moment_constructor() moments = moment_constructor(weights) `
- Returns:
- (callable, list)
the callable = function which takes weights and returns 3D moments. The list contains grid bin edges over spherical (r, theta, phi). Moments returned by the callable are stored in a grid of size (nr, nth, nph, 13). Final dimension indexes over: density,x,y,z,vx, vy,vz,vx^2,vy^2,vz^2,vx*vy,vy*vz,vz*vx. Density is normalised to 1, spatial moments in arcseconds, velocities in km/s.
- get_orbit_ics()¶
Execute the bash script to calculate orbit ICs
- get_orbit_library()¶
Execute the bash script to calculate orbit libraries
- get_orbit_library_par()¶
Execute the bash script to calculate orbit libraries in parallel
- get_orblib()¶
main method to calculate orbit libraries
Writes and executes bash scripts to (i) calculate orbit initial conditions, (ii) calculate orbit libraries, (iii) calculate aperture and 3D grid masses for the MGE. If orbit libraries for this model already exist, then this method does nothing.
- Returns:
- Creates the following output files in
begin.dat (ics for tube orbits)
beginbox.dat (ics for box orbits)
orblib.dat.bz2 (zipped tube orbit library)
orblib.dat_orbclass.out (orbit classification for tube orbs)
orblibbox.dat.bz2 (zipped box orbit library)
orblibbox.dat_orbclass.out (orbit classification for box orbs)
mass_aper.dat (MGE masses in apertures)
mass_qgrid.dat (MGE masses in 3D grid)
mass_radmass.dat (MGE masses in radial bins)
+8 log and status files
- read_losvd_histograms(kins=True, pops=False)¶
Read the orbit library
Read box orbits and tube orbits, mirrors the latter, and combines. Rescales the velocity axis according to the
value. Sets LOSVDs and 3D grid/aperture masses of the combined orbit library.
- Parameters:
- kinsBool
If True, return LOSVD histograms for the kinematics apertures.
- popsBool
If True, return LOSVD histograms for the populations apertures. If both kins and pops are True, population data is returned following kinematic data. Note that if population and kinematic data are provided in one file (i.e. they share the same binning) then they have identical orbit libraries.
- Returns:
- Sets the attributes:
: a list, whose i’th entry is adyn.kinematics.Histogram
object holding the orbit lib LOSVDs binned for the i’th kinematic/population set
: 3D grid/intrinsic masses of orbit lib
: aperture/proj. masses of orbit lib
: number of orbits in the orbit library
- read_orbit_base(fileroot, return_instrisic_moments=False)¶
Read orbit library from file datfil/{fileroot}.dat.bz2’
- Parameters:
- filerootstring
this will probably be either ‘orblib’ or ‘orblibbox’
- return_instrisic_moments: boolean
whether to return_instrisic_moments of the orblib
- Returns:
- if return_instrisic_moments is False, this returns a tuple of type
- (Histogram, array) where the orbit library LOSVDs are stored in the
- Histogram object, and the 3D density of the orbits are stored in the
- array object.
- if return_instrisic_moments is True, returns a tuple
- (array, list) where the array stores the intrinsic momenmts of the
- orblib and the list contains the bin edges of the 3D grid.
- read_orbit_intrinsic_moments(cache=True)¶
Read the intrinsic moments of the orbit library.
Moments stored in 3D grid over spherical co-ords (r,theta,phi). This function reads the data from files, formats them correctly, and coverts to physical units.
- Parameters:
- cachebool, optional
If True, the intrinsic moments and the bin edges are cached between calls to this method. The cache files are stored in the orbit library’s datfil/ directory. The default is True.
- Returns:
- (array, list)
array shape = (n_orb, nr, nth, nph, 16). Final dimension indexes over: density,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,vx^2,vy^2,vz^2,vx*vy,vy*vz,vz*vx, and the final three indices (13,14,15) are some type of orbit classification (not understood - recommend not to use!). The list contains grid bin edges over spherical (r, theta, phi).
- read_orbit_property_file()¶
Read the
filesThese files contain time-averaged properties of individual orbits within a bundle. Results are stored in
, an astropy table with columns[r, Vrms, L, Lx, Ly, Lz, lmd, lmd_x, lmd_y, lmd_z]
i.e. the time-averaged value of (i) radiusr
, (ii)V_rms = (vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2 + 2(vxvy + vxvz + vyvz))
, (iii) total angular momentumL
, (iv)Lx
, (v)Ly
, (vi)Lz
, and circularities (vii)lmd = L/V_rms
, (ix)lmd_x=Lx/V_rms
, (x)lmd_y
, (xi)lmd_z
. Each column of the table is an array of shape[N_bundle, N_orbit]
- read_orbit_property_file_base(file, ncol, nrow)¶
Base method to read in
files…which hold the information of all the orbits stored in the orbit library. The number of orbits is
nE * nI2 * nI3 * dithering^3
,ncol = dithering^3
andnrow = nE * nI2 * nI3
. For each orbit, the time averaged values are stored:lx, ly ,lz, r = sum(sqrt( average(r^2) ))
,Vrms^2 = average(vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2 + 2vx*vy + 2vxvz + 2vxvy)
. The files were originally stored by the fortran codeorblib_f.f90
.* Do not try to replace this with numpy (e.g.
) since the output files are sometimes written in non-standard arrays (in a seemingly system dependent way). *
- write_executable_for_ics()¶
Write the bash script to calculate orbit ICs
- write_executable_for_integrate_orbits()¶
Write the bash script to calculate orbit libraries
- write_executable_for_integrate_orbits_par()¶
Write the bash script to calculate orbit libraries
- class orblib.OrbitLibrary(config=None)¶
An abstract class for orbit libraries.
- Parameters:
- systema
object- settingsa
Inheritance Diagram¶